H01 - Compound Semiconductor Characterization

Monday, 10 October 2022: 15:00-16:00
Room 213 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Houqiang Fu and Henry Tyler Aller
(Invited) Imaging and Measuring Electronic Materials
F. Niefind (National Institute of Standards and Technology, University of Maryland College Park), A. Winchester (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Georgetown University), and S. Pookpanratana (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
(Invited) Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging for Rapid Characterization of Compound Semiconductors
J. Deitz, T. Ruggles, S. Lee (Sandia National Laboratory), A. A. Allerman (Sandia National Laboratories), C. B. Carter (University of Connecticut), and J. Michael (Sandia National Laboratory)