A02 - Cathode Materials

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 13:40-18:00
Room 223 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Esther S. Takeuchi
(Invited) Drx and Drx+ As Earth-Abundant Inexpensive Cathodes
G. Ceder (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Three-Dimensional Pore-Scale Modelling of NMC Cathodes Using Multi-Resolution FIB-SEM Images
M. Ghadban, M. Sabharwal (University of Alberta), X. Li, A. E. Goode, M. Smith, C. Murphy (Johnson Matthey), and M. Secanell (University of Alberta)
(Invited) Developing Titanate Anodes for Sodium Ion Batteries
M. M. Doeff (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), W. Yin, and G. Barim (Berkeley Lab)
(Invited) Battery Challenges for Energy Storage and Electric Vehicles
J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, University of Washington)
Identification of Lithium Hydride and Nanocrystalline Lithium Fluoride in the SEI of Lithium Metal Anodes and the Stabilization of High Ni Layered Structure at Ultra-High Voltage through Cathode Electrolyte Interphase Engineering
S. Tan (Chemistry Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory), X. Q. Yang, X. Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory), J. Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Y. Liu (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC), K. Xu (US Army Research Laboratory), and E. Hu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Phase Transition Behavior of LiFePO4 in Non-Aqueous and Aqueous Electrolytes
C. Yamamoto, A. Ikezawa, and H. Arai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
(Invited) Synchrotron X-Ray Nano-Tomography and Multimodal Studies of Li-Ion Batteries
C. H. Lin, X. Zheng (Stony Brook University), L. Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Z. Ju (The University of Texas at Austin), L. M. Housel, A. H. McCarthy, M. Vila (Stony Brook University), X. Zhang (The University of Texas at Austin), S. T. King, N. Zmich, H. Zhu, C. Zhao, X. Liu (Stony Brook University), S. Ghose, X. Xiao, W. K. Lee (Brookhaven National Laboratory), K. J. Takeuchi (Stony Brook University), J. Bai (Brookhaven National Laboratory), G. Yu (University of Texas at Austin), A. C. Marschilok (Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory), E. S. Takeuchi (Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Lab), M. Ge (Brookhaven National Lab), and Y. C. K. Chen-Wiegart (Stony Brook Universty, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
A Reachable Sodium-Oxygen Battery Based on Sodium Superoxide Chemistry
A. Kondori (illinois institution of technology), M. Esmaeilirad (Illinois Institute of Technology), A. mosen Harzandi (illinois institution of technology), and M. Asadi (Illinois Institute of Technology)