I01A - Modeling

Sunday, 9 October 2022: 08:40-12:20
Galleria 3 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Shawn Litster and Masao Suzuki Shibata
A Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Study on the Aggregation and Adsorption Behavior of Ionomer from Solution Onto Pt/C Substrate
Y. Guo (Institute of Fluid Science), T. Mabuchi (Tohoku University), G. Li (Institute of Fluid Science), and T. Tokumasu (Tohoku University)
Modeling of Relative Humidity-Dependent Impedance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
A. Tanaka, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa (The University of Tokyo), G. Inoue (Kyushu University), and M. Nakao (The University of Tokyo)
Modeling the Environment-Dependent Kinetics of Oxygen Reduction Reaction – Effect of Relative Humidity
M. S. Shibata (University of California, Irvine, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), G. Anderson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Y. Morimoto, I. V. Zenyuk (University of California, Irvine), and A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Modeling of the Dynamic Behavior of an Integrated Fuel Cell System Including Fuel Cell Stack, Air System, Hydrogen System, and Cooling System
S. Hasegawa (KYOTO UNIVERSITY), Y. Ikogi (Commercial ZEV Product Development Div. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION), S. Kim (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), M. Kageyama, and M. Kawase (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University)
Unsteady Three-Dimensional Simulation of Water Condensation in Gas Diffusion Layer
H. Naito and S. Hirai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Predicting Local Transport Phenomena of PEMFC Catalyst Layers Using a Network Approach
S. Alam, E. Medici, K. Tajiri, and J. S. Allen (Michigan Technological University)
Micro-Scale Simulation of PEFC Catalyst Layer with Dynamic Structure Change
G. Inoue, K. Park, M. So, Y. Saito, K. Nakano, and P. T. Dung (Kyushu University)
Physics Based Electrochemical Impedance Model to Diagnose Pore Level Effects in PEFC Electrodes
J. Kaur, T. Kadyk, and M. Eikerling (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)