I01A - Electron & Neutron Imaging

Thursday, 13 October 2022: 08:00-11:20
Galleria 3 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Jacob Michael LaManna and Michael J. Zachman
Automating Correlative Electron Microscopy for Heavy Duty Fuel Cell Development
D. A. Cullen, H. Yu, M. J. Zachman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), J. Park, N. N. Kariuki (Argonne National Laboratory, Chemical Sciences and Engineering Div.), L. Hu (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), R. Mukundan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. C. Neyerlin (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and D. J. Myers (Argonne National Laboratory, Chemical Sciences and Engineering Div.)
Atomic-Scale Strucural Analysis of Pt-Based Nanoparticles Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
A. Kuwabara (Japan Fine Ceramics Center), Y. Omori (JEOL Ltd.), H. H. Huang, and S. Kobayashi (Japan Fine Ceramics Center)
Investigation of Liquid Water Behavior and Performance of PEFC Catalyst Layers Using a Microdevice and in-Operando Infrared Microscopy
T. Suzuki, R. Kobayashi (Osaka University), K. Kakinuma, M. Uchida, A. Iiyama (University of Yamanashi), and S. Tsushima (Osaka University)
Advanced Electron Microscopy Techniques for PGM-Free Catalyst Characterization
M. J. Zachman, H. Yu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), S. Liu (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Y. Zeng (The State University of New York), Y. Li (University at Buffalo, SUNY), G. Wu (University at Buffalo), and D. A. Cullen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Operando Neutron Radiography Measurements of a Zero-Gap Alkaline Electrolysis Cell
S. Renz (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH), T. Arlt (Technische Universitaet Berlin), N. Kardjilov (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin), L. Helfen, C. Couture, A. Tengattini (Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)), F. Lohmann-Richters, and W. Lehnert (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
Fuel Cell Imaging with a Wolter Optics Neutron Microscope
D. Hussey (National Institute of Standards and Technology), M. C. Daugherty (University of Maryland, NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory), Y. Kim (University of Maryland), J. M. LaManna, and D. Jacobson (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Fast Neutron Tomography of Fuel Cells Enabled By Seeded Tomography Reconstruction
J. M. LaManna (National Institute of Standards and Technology), M. C. Daugherty, Y. Kim (University of Maryland, National Institute of Standards and Technology), D. Hussey, E. Baltic, and D. Jacobson (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Probing Heterogeneous Water Distributions within Fuel Cell Membranes Using Combined Neutron and X-Ray Tomography (NeXT)
P. Shrestha (University of Toronto), J. M. LaManna (National Institute of Standards and Technology), K. Fahy, J. Kim, C. Lee (University of Toronto), K. K. Lee (Lawrence Berkeley Berkeley National Laboratory), E. Baltic, D. Jacobson, D. Hussey (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and A. Bazylak (University of Toronto)