A05- Abuse-Tolerance Batteries

Monday, 10 October 2022: 10:20-12:00
Room 216 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Tao Gao , Weiyang Li and Ping Liu
Electrolyte-Centric Thermal Model of Li-Ion Battery Under Abuse Conditions
J. I. Guillamon and A. Verma (Texas A&M University - Kingsville)
Towards Efficient Thermal Management within Intercalation Batteries through Electrolyte Convection
W. Gao, J. Drake (Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT), and F. R. Brushett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
A Multiphysics Understanding of Internal Short Circuit Mechanisms in Lithium-Ion Batteries upon Mechanical Stress Abuse
X. Duan, H. Wang (Beihang University), Y. Jia (UNC Charlotte), L. Wang (Ningbo University), B. Liu (Chongqing University), and J. Xu (UNC Charlotte)