See the Call for Papers PDF for detailed information about the symposia, manuscript submission requirements, and financial assistance. Abstracts are due no later than Friday, 4 April 2025 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Time remaining:
Students: Please note that if you wish to be considered for the Z01 General Student Poster Session competition, you must submit your abstract to the Z01 General Student Poster Session. Abstracts submitted to other symposia are not eligible for participation.
Poster presentations must be displayed in English. Posters should be printed in A0 format (84.1cm x 118.9cm or 33.1in x 46.8in) and labeled with the abstract number and day of presentation in the final program. Participants in the Z01 General Student Poster Competition are required to upload a digital poster file in advance of the meeting and be present during the in-person judging session on Tuesday evening. The deadline to upload a digital file for the competition is sent to presenting authors.
Digital presenters will be required to submit a video of their presentation, and/or a copy of the slide deck or poster. This will be made available for on demand viewing only within the online program for about 30 days from the close of the meeting. Digital presentations will NOT be streamed into or out of the onsite session rooms. Digital presentations are not a substitute for an in-person oral talk if you cannot attend the meeting unexpectedly.
The title of your abstract should be in initial capital letters, not all caps: This Example is Prepared in Initial Capital Letters and Is Correct. THIS EXAMPLE IS IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS AND IS NOT CORRECT.
Presenting authors will be automatically informed of the unique ID numbers and passwords assigned to their abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline date of 4 April 2025, using the assigned ID# and password.
For help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support.
If you have already submitted an abstract you can access it at the User Gateway.