Effect of Ti-Mesh Interlayer on the Negative Electrode for Zinc-Bromine Flow Batteries

Monday, 4 March 2019
Areas Adjacent to the Forum (Scripps Seaside Forum)
J. N. Lee, E. Do, and Y. Kim (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Redox flow batteries (RFBs) are regarded as one of the most attractive systems for large-scale electrochemical energy storage because of simple design, good scalability, and good cycle efficiency. Among various flow batteries, zinc-bromine flow battery (ZBB) has a lot of benefits due to the high solubility of Zn, which enables high practical energy density of around 65~75 Wh/kg. Additionally, low cost which comes from the abundance of zinc compounds has thrown light on the popularization of ZBB. Until now, however, widespread application of ZBB has not been realized due ot its drawback.

Zinc dendrite growth has negative effect on Zn/Br performance because of membrane damage, which allows self-discharge. Therefore, to get rid of dendrite formation after prolonged cycling, zinc dendrite strip cycling should run in the process of cycling.

In this work, we introduced Ti-mesh interlayer on the negative electrode to suppress the formation of zinc dendrite. We compared the effect of mesh interlayer using strip cycling during cycling.