Calcium-Doping for Structure Stabilization of Sodium Transition Metal Oxide Cathodes in Sodium Ion Batteries

Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Cernobbio Wing (Villa Erba)
E. G. Bae, J. Jeong, S. C. Han, J. S. Kwak (Dept. of Printed Electronics Engg. Sunchon National University, Sunchoen, S.Korea), and M. Pyo (Dept.of Printed Electronics Engineering. Sunchon National University, Sunchoen, S.Korea)
NaNi0.5Mn0.5O2 (NNMO), which has a layered structure, is a promising cathode material for sodium ion batteries. The stack of Mn(Ni)O2 slabs in a layered structure of NaiNi0.5Mn0.5O2, are composed of edge-shared Mn(Ni)O6 octahedra, forming metal-occupied octahedral sites and empty tetrahedral sites. The octahedral sites in Na slabs are also occupied by Na+ ions, which are sandwiched by edge-sharing with Mn(Ni)O2 slabs. In this work, O3-CaxNa1-2x[Ni0.5Mn0.5]O2 (0 < x ≤ 0.1) was synthesized by incorporating Ca2+ into NaO6 layer of Na[Ni0.5Mn0.5]O2. Both the significant difference in ionic radii between Ca2+ (1.12Å) and Ni2+ (0.69Å) or Mn4+ (0.53 Å) and the reduction of Na+ content allowed the preparation of phase-pure and cation-mixing-free (i.e., absence of Ca2+ in transition metal oxide layers) CaxNa1-2x[Ni0.5Mn0.5]O2 up to x = 0.05. It was expected that, while no noticeable change was observed in a dimension of MnO6 octahedron, NaO6 octahedron continuously shrank as the increase of Ca2+ content. The latter effect was expected to prevent the structural degradation during repeated charge-discharge, eventually contributing to the improvement of capacity retention. Preliminary study indicated that, while pristine Na[Ni0.5Mn0.5]O2 showed a continuous decrease in discharge capacity, Ca0.05Na0.90[Ni0.5Mn0.5]O2 maintained a significant fraction of an initial capacity with a small capacity fading during 50 cycles. The excellent capacity retention of Ca2+-doped one is believed because the strong interaction of immobile Ca2+ with O2- helps restore of the initial O3 structure, which leads to the maintenance of distinctive phase transition steps on discharge profiles after repeated cycles in contrast to pristine one.