A Statistical Model of the Voltage Fade Phenomenon in Lithium-, Manganese-Rich XLiMnO3·(1-x)LiNiaMnbCocO2 Materials

Thursday, 23 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)
I. Bloom, A. Vu, Y. Qin, C. K. Lin, A. Abouimrane (Argonne National Laboratory), A. K. Burrell (JCESR at Argonne National Laboratory), S. Bloom (University of Maryland), D. A. Bass, and J. Bareno (Argonne National Laboratory)
The effect of composition in the lithium- and manganese-rich region of (Li2MnO3)a(LiNiO2)b(LiMnO2)c(LiCoO2)d — where 0≤a≤0.83, 0.15≤b≤0.42, 0≤c≤0.85, and 0≤d≤0.30 (a + b + c + d = 1) — on the phase relations and the voltage fade phenomenon was probed using combinatorial synthesis methods.  The observed values of voltage fade indicated that it was not very sensitive to composition.  These values were found to be amenable to statistical modeling using the methods of Scheffé [1, 2].  The model indicated that it may be possible to markedly reduce voltage fade, but these potential compositions would be relatively low in lithium content and may not have the layered-layered structure.

The work at Argonne National Laboratory was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Vehicle Technologies, under Contract No.

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