Facile Lithium Ion Transport through Superionic Pathways Formed on the Surface of Li3V2(PO4)3/C for High Power Li-Ion Battery

Thursday, 23 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)
D. Han, J. Y. Eom, J. H. Yun, S. E. Yoo (Korea Automotive Technology Institute), and Y. M. Kang (Dongguk University)
We report a new discovery for enhancing Li ion transport at the surface of Li3V2(PO4)3 particles through superionic pathways built along an ionic conductor. The Li3V1.95Zr0.05(PO4)3/C composite has much higher initial discharge capacity, superior rate-capability, and excellent cycling performance when compared with pristine Li3V2(PO4)3/C. This is partly due to the occupation of vanadium sites by Zr4+ ions in the Li3V2(PO4)3 host crystals and facile Li ion migration through a LiZr2(PO4)3-like secondary phase that forms on the surface of the Li3V1.95Zr0.05(PO4)3 particles. Our findings about high Li ion transport and structure stabilization induced by Zr incorporation suggests a breakthrough strategy for achieving high-power Li rechargeable batteries using NASICON-structured cathode materials in combination with nanoarchitecture tailoring.