more common. They are compared to their real sustainability in a homestorage photovoltaic buffer application.
The storage of electricity generated by photovoltaics battery is performed by battery systems with a typical capacity between 5 and 20 kWh. In this application Lead-Acid an Lithium-Ion batteries are the most common storage technologies. The storage of electricity generated by a 10 kWp PV-generator in combination with a 7,5 kWh battery is analyzed on different levels. The necessary primary energies for
- Cell production
- Production of the Battery System
- Transport to the customer
are compared for Lithium-Ion and Lead-Acid technology. The Energy required for production of one Wh of Battery Capacity on cell level is in
Li-ion-Technology 41 kWh
Pb-acid-technology 14 kWh.
The most energy intensive aspect of Lithium-ion battery production is the coating process. The most energy intensive aspect of Lead-acid battery production is the formation process.
Lithium-ion batteries operate nearly 3-times more “energy efficient” with respect to the demand of primary energy for their production. Although Lead-acid cells require much less energy to produce, when usage and system performance are taken into account Li-ion batteries are the winner of this comparison.
It is shown that the ecological amortization in the mentioned home storage application happens after only a few months of operation. The Li-Ion storage system starts “to work green” after 0.6 years and with the Lead-acid storage system after 1.8 years of operation.