Here we present the synthesis and electrochemical study of Li6Hf2O7 as a candidate for solid-state electrolyte for next generation Li-ion batteries. Phase pure material was synthesized via a new microwave-assisted solid-state approach.1 In the crystal structure, Hf4+ ions are coordinated with 6 surrounding O2- ions in a octahedral fashion, whereas Li+ ions are located on square-pyramidal interstitial sites.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy images show inhomogeneous sized microparticles without a particular morphology.
Li-ion conductivity has been analysed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, with ionic conductivities of 1.42 × 10-2 S cm-1 achieved at 324 oC and a modest activation energy of 0.97 eV, comparable with the isostructural Li6Zr2O7 material.3 Also presented will be our further attempts to substitute on the Hf position to introduce Li-ions on interstitial sites to facilitate the Li hoping diffusion mechanism.4
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