Sion Power's Licerion® High Energy Batteries

Monday, 20 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)


Sion Power Corporation has created Licerion®, a comprehensive battery system that significantly enhances energy and cycle life of rechargeable batteries with metallic lithium anode. The core element of Sion Power’s Licerion® technology is a physically protected metallic lithium anode. Physical protection is based on ceramic-polymer composite membranes and is combined with specialized electrolyte systems providing chemical protection of exposed metallic lithium surface. This approach addresses safety and cycle life problems that have historically plagued lithium metal electrodes. Protected lithium anodes are currently combined with intercalated metal oxide cathodes typically used for Li-ion batteries (Licerion® - Ion) and with advanced sulfur cathodes (Licerion® - Sulfur). Sion Power Corporation in collaboration with BASF is working aggressively on realizing the impressive potential of the Licerion®technology targeting 500 Wh/kg, 1000 Wh/L and 1000 cycles. This presentation will discuss:
  1. Failure mechanisms of rechargeable batteries with metallic lithium anode.
  2. Current status of 350 - 400 Wh/kg Sion Power cells with metal oxide and sulfur cathodes and their high power and extreme low temperature variations.
  3. Approaches pursued by Sion Power in collaboration with BASF towards next generation of Licerion® - Sulfur and Licerion® - Ion batteries targeting to meet and exceed requirements for EV application and for extended unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights.