Operando Core-Shell Spectroscopy of Battery Materials

Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)
M. Balasubramanian (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory)
Battery based energy storage is expected to play a vital enabling role in future energy supply and demand. In particular, it is likely that storage of electricity generated from major renewable energy sources (such as solar, wind, or wave power) will be an important component of future energy portfolios worldwide.  In the realm of transportation, rechargeable batteries are already being used for hybrid and all-electric applications. However, for mass adaptation of battery technology, either for grid-storage or transportation applications, transformative changes in battery technology are required. Critical to the advancement of batteries (Li-ion or other beyond Li-ion solutions) is a fundamental and in depth understanding of the electronic and structural changes of the electrode materials during battery operation.

Research at the APS using hard x-ray spectroscopy (energy in the range 2.5-55 KeV) focuses on x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS), x-ray emission spectroscopy, x-ray Raman scattering and micro beam( mapping, micro-XAFS and micro-diffraction) applications of hard x-rays. Spectroscopy beamlines are designed primarily for energy variable applications. Using in situ core-shell spectroscopic methods we seek to capture the intricate details of the redox behavior (electronic structure) as well as the element specific local structure of these materials. Such studies provide unique insight to develop structure-property correlations that are important to predict long-term battery performance as well as help tailor new novel materials with high capacities, high power, and stable crystal structures.

Work on Li-rich materials and Li-S systems, performed collaboratively with Argonne’s battery group and Prof. Nazar’s group (University of Waterloo, Canada) respectively, will be presented in this poster.

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