Measurement of Thermal Behaviour from a Cell Under Operating Loads and Temperatures

Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)


This study looks to predict the thermal behaviour of a battery, from cell level upwards, under a variety of operating loads and temperatures in order to improve battery efficiency. Battery charge and discharge behaviour depend on the electrochemical reactions at cell level and these are temperature dependent. A difference between the temperatures in individual cells can alter the performance of an EV, as well as affect the life of a battery pack[TC1] . It is the purpose of this research to understanding how thermal energy is generated at a cell level and how this energy migrates through the cell and into the battery. This understanding will be used to develop predictive assessment of the thermal behaviour of the battery under loading conditions typically experienced within an EV application. This will enable development of targeted interventions that can control the generation and management of thermal energy within the battery leading to a more efficient operation and less battery degradation over the long term.

 [TC1]Examples - % degradation

Life expectancy change?