Topic 2: Reduce Cost of Battery III

Thursday, 23 June 2016: 17:30-21:00
Riverside Center (Hyatt Regency)
Running a Battery Lab with Low Cost Raspberry Pi's (Cancelled)
Direct Coating of Separator on Electrode Foils
A. Wuersig (Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT), F. Durst (FMP TECHNOLOGY GMBH), H. Dreger (Technische Universität Braunschweig), and O. Zink (Jonas & Redmann Automationstechnik GmbH)
On the Versatility of Melt-Synthesis of LiFePO4 cathode Material (Cancelled)
Enabling Increased Thickness Electrodes Using Binders with Discrete Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes
C. Bosnyak (Black Diamond Structures), M. Finlayson, S. Peddini (Molecular Rebar Design), J. Gazda, M. Jungman, N. Henderson (Black Diamond Structures), J. Fleetwood, S. J. Forbey (Battery Innovation Center), and A. Gordon (Battery Innovation Center, Indiana)
Printed Cellulose Nano Fiber Separator and Its Application to All Printed Supercapacitor
H. Kang, Y. Rho, S. Lee, and J. Y. Hwang (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
Flow-Assist Free Zn/NiOOH Battery Prepared By Electrodeposition (Cancelled)
Electrochemical Approach to Investigate the Electrolyte Wetting Process of Lithium-Ion Cells
C. Reinke (Dresden University of Technology), K. Nikolowski, M. Wolter (Fraunhofer IKTS), and A. Michaelis (TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften)