Effect of Nature of the Ceramic Component of the Composite Electrodes Based on La1.7Ca(Sr)0.3NiO4+δ on Their Electrochemical Performance

Monday, 27 July 2015
Hall 2 (Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre)
E. Pikalova, N. Bogdanovich, A. Kolchugin (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Russia), A. Brouzgou (University of Thessaly, Greece), D. Bronin (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Russia), S. V. Plaksin (The Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry), A. Khasanov (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Russia), and P. Tsiakaras (University of Thessaly, Greece, Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Russia)
The development of a cathode that is stable against CO2 present in the atmosphere still remains a challenge. Over the past ten years layered perovskite La2NiO4±δ has been the subject of careful research as far as also concerns their potential use as cathodes in electrochemical devices. So far as La2NiO4±δ is a p-type conductor, appropriate acceptor doping on A-site could improve the electronic conductivity by generating extra electron holes for charge compensation. Experimental results reveal that the electronic conductivity does indeed increase with a certain amount of Sr or Ca-doping. However, the substitution of La by alkali-earth elements deteriorates its electrochemical activity due to a decrease in the sub-stoichiometric oxygen amount in the structure and ionic component of conductivity [1]. One way to increase ionic conductivity is development of composite electrodes with ionic conductor as a second component, usually CeO2-based electrolyte [2]. The composite electrodes with proton-conducting electrolyte, especially in case when such electrodes are proposed to be used in contact with this electrolyte, could provide more extended area of electrochemical reaction.

     The actual work focuses on the electrochemical performance of the La1.7Ca(Sr)0.3NiO4-based composite cathode materials with Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 (SDC) and BaCe0.89Gd0.1Cu0.01O3 (BCGC) ceramic component (in wight ratio 1:1) which were applied as a functional layer in two-layered electrodes with 98 wt.% LаNi0.6Fe0.4O3 + 2 wt.% CuO LаNi0.6Fe0.4O3 and 99.4 wt. % La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 + 0.6 wt.% CuO as a collector layer. Studies by impedance spectroscopy were performed in contact with BCGC and BaCe0.5Zr0.3Y0.2O3 + 1 wt.% CuO (BCZY) proton-conducting electrolytes in comparison with traditionally used 50 wt.% La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3 + 50 wt.% SDC and 50 wt.% La0.75Sr0.2MnO3 + 50 wt.% SSZ composite electrodes.

Keywords: La1.7Ca0.3NiO4, cathode, electronic conductivity, proton-conducting electrolyte


The authors are grateful for the financial support to: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Mega-grand contract no. 14.Z50.31.0001), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants no. 13-03-00065, 14-03-00414) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants no. 13-03 96098 and 14-03-00414).


[1] E.Yu. Pikalova, N.M. Bogdanovich, A.А. Kolchugin, D.A. Osinkin, D.I. Bronin, Electrical and electrochemical properties of La2NiO4+δ-based cathodes in contact with Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δelectrolyte, accepted in Procedia Engineering

[2] B.L. Kuzin, N.M. Bogdanovich, D.I. Bronin et al, Elecrochemical Properties of Cathodes Made of (La,Sr)(Fe,Co)O3Containing Admixtures of Nanoparticles of Cupric Oxide and Intended for Fuel Cells with A Solid Electrolyte Based on Ceric Oxide, Rus. J. Electrochem. 43 (2007) 920.