Batteries Beyond Li-Ion: Is Na-Ion a Viable Option?
Although it had fallen into oblivion for ca. 20 years, the Na-ion battery concept is not new and trends identified during the early days of intercalation and knowledge borrowed from the Li-ion battery field should foster its progress, on condition that due attention is also paid to intrinsic differences between lithium and sodium.
The talk will review recent research carried out at ICMAB-CSIC dealing mainly with the optimization of electrolyte formulation and the study of negative electrode materials, including hard carbon prepared from sugar pyrolysis and diverse titanium containing phases, such as Na2Ti3O7. The assembly of full Na-ion laboratory cells using Na3V2(PO4)2F3 cathode, hard C anode and EC:PC:DMC based electrolyte will also be discussed. These exhibit an operation voltage of 3.65 V, very low polarization and excellent capacity retention and power performance, which are comparable to state-of-the art lithium-ion technology based on similar electrode chemistry.
Finally, the possible development of alternative M-ion technologies will also be discussed.