Fuel Flexible and Efficient Semionics Single Layer Fuel Cell
An advanced fuel flexible single layer/electrolyte free fuel cell with a functional nanocomposite was developed. Several different types of fuel, for example, gaseous (hydrogen and biogas) and liquid fuels (bio-ethanol and bio-methanol), were used in the experiments. Maximum power densities of 800, 300, 500, 400 mW cm-2 were achieved using hydrogen, bio-gas, bio-methanol, and bio-ethanol, respectively. These results show that single layer/electrolyte free fuel cell systems with functional nanocomposite offer significant advantages in reducing the operational and capital costs for the production of power and heat with a multi-fuel flexibility.
This system might be the one of the promising solutions for sustainable energy development. This study is based on nanocomposites for advanced fuel cell technology (NANOCOFC) to develop functional nanocomposite materials for next generation marketable products.
B.Zhu, Rizwan Raza, Q.Liu, H.Qin, L.Fan, “Fuel cells based on the electrolyte and non-electrolyte separator” Energy and Environmental Sciences, 2011, 4 (8), 2986 - 2992.