Architectured Interfaces and Electrochemical Modelling in an Anode Supported SOFC

Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Hall 2 (Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre)
M. Geagea (Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, PSL), J. Ouyang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ICARE), B. Chi (Huazhong University of Scienc and Technology), F. Delloro, A. Chesnaud (Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, PSL), A. Ringuedé, M. Cassir Sr. (I2E, Chimie ParisTech, PSL), and A. Thorel (Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, PSL)
The route for the increase in SOFC performances is many-fold: i/ in the low current density domain, through the enhancement of the catalytic properties of the electrodes, i.e. via a higher Triple Phase Boundary (TPB) density, hence a higher exchange current and a lower activation overpotential, ii/ in the ohmic loss region, through lower resistance, i.e. via thickness reduction, materials with a higher conductivity, iii/ in the high current density region, via the optimization of the electrodes microstructure, i.e. the control of the porosity, of the tortuosity and percolation of phases. Taking ideas from the batteries community, where the conceptual design of electrodes is much more mature, the present work proposes to explore how the corrugation of electrode/electrolyte interfaces impacts the performances.

This approach was applied to the anode/electrolyte interface of a SOFC based on standard compositions, YSZ (or YDC) for the electrolyte, and YSZ (or YDC) + nickel for the anode. The corrugation of surfaces was obtained through the patterning of this interface with different geometries (flat, pyramids, shallow and deep ellipsoids) at the 10-100 µm scale by cold pressing, templating or serigraphy. Thin electrolyte layers have been deposited on top of these architectures by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). In parallel, an electrochemical model was carried out and implemented by considering masses and charges conservation, gas transport and electrochemical reaction kinetics throughout the interface in FEM (finite element method) with COMSOL Multiphysics. The results showed a 25 % increase in the total current density for a certain ellipsoid geometry.