Li-Ion Nanotubes for Li-Ion and Li-Sulphur Batteries

Monday, 27 July 2015
Hall 2 (Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre)
N. Yokota (University of Kent) and M. Alfredsson (School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent)
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are considered to be the most promising energy storage due to their long cycle life and high specific capacity.[i] However, existing lithium-ion batteries use graphite as anode material and this is not efficient enough to reach market level to be employed in vehicles. There are still some challenges  to develop more in anode material to enhance their performance to meet the requirements for efficient energy storage. [ii] Silicon has been regarded as the most promising candidate to replace graphite anode material due to its excellent merits in high theoretical electrochemical capacity. It is safe to use in high-power applications due to its low discharge potential. [iii] However, the commercial application of Silicon in the battery is still not progressed due to severe mechanical damage because of volume expansion and contraction of Si electrodes during cycling operation. This could cause pulverisation and loss of capacity[iv] An effective way to solve this problem is the employment of nanostructure which are capable of minimising the volume change due to small size and available surrounding free space.[v]

The aim is to synthesise and lithiate silicon nanotubes, then employ the lithiated nanotubes as an anode material in both Li-ion as well as Li-sulphur batteries. This would improve the electrochemical performance by enhancing the cycling performance and higher reversible specific capacity may be achieved.


[i]  M.Rosa Palacin, Chemical Society Reviews, 2009, 38, 2565-2575.

[ii] S. Flandrois, B.Simon, Carbon, 1999, 37, 165-180.

[iii] J. Cho, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 4009-4014.

[iv] D. Billaud, E. Mcrae and A. Herold, Mater. Res. Bull., 1979, 14, 857–864.

[v] J. Bae, J. Solid State Chemistry, 2011, 184, 1749–1755.