SOFC-XIV: Anodes 1

Wednesday, 29 July 2015: 08:20-12:00
Boisdale (Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre)
Martin Andersson and Anke Hagen
Thermal Gradients in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes: X-Ray Diffraction, Thermal Imaging and Model Prediction
J. B. Robinson, E. Engebretsen, L. D. Brown (University College London), R. Clague (Intelligent Energy, Imperial College London), D. Eastwood (University of Manchester, Research Complex at Harwell), C. Reinhard (Diamond Light Source Ltd.), P. Lee (University of Manchester, Research Complex at Harwell), D. J. Brett, and P. R. Shearing (University College London)
Characterization of Cracks and their Effects on the Effective Transport Pathways in Ni-YSZ Anodes after Reoxidation Using X-Ray Nanotomography
A. Nakajo (�cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne (EPFL)), A. M. Kiss, A. P. Cocco, W. M. Harris, M. B. DeGostin (University of Connecticut), F. Greco (Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne), G. J. Nelson (University of Alabama, Huntsville), A. A. Peracchio, B. N. Cassenti (University of Connecticut), A. Deriy (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory), S. Wang (Argonne National Lab), Y. Chen-Wiegart, J. Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory), J. Van herle (Ecole Polytechique F�d�rale de Lausanne), and W. K. S. Chiu (University of Connecticut)
In-Operando Raman Spectroscopy Study on Oxygen Chemical Potential Gradient in Ni-SDC Cermet Anode for SOFCs
T. Matsui, K. Eguchi, T. Furukawa, T. Okanishi, H. Muroyama (Kyoto University), and K. Eguchi (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
In Operando Optical Studies of SOFCs Operating with Butanol
J. D. Kirtley (Montana State University), M. B. Pomfret (Lab/Cor Materials), D. A. Steinhurst (Nova Research, Inc.), J. C. Owrutsky (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), and R. A. Walker (Montana State University)
Phase Transition Mapping by Means of Neutron Imaging in SOFC Anode Supports during Reduction under Applied Stress
M. G. Makowska (Technical University of Denmark), M. Strobl (European Spallation Source ESS AB, Sweden), E. Mejdal Lauridsen (Xnovo Technology ApS, Denmark), H. L. Frandsen (Technical University of Denmark), A. Tremsin (University of California at Berkeley), T. Shinohara (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), and L. T. Kuhn (Technical University of Denmark)
Visualization of SOFC Anode by Dual Imaging Method Using Infrared and Visible Light Cameras
Y. Tachikawa (WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University), T. Kawabata (Kyushu University), Y. Shiratori (Department of Hydrogen Energy Systems, Kyushu University), and K. Sasaki (Next-Generation Fuel Cell Resarch Center)
In Situ Tailored Nickel Nano-Catalyst Layer for Internal Reforming Hydrocarbon Fueled SOFCs
J. Myung (University of St.Andrews), D. Neagu (University of St Andrews), M. Tham (Univeristy of St.Andrews), and J. T. S. Irvine (University of St. Andrews)
Electrochemical Oxidation of CO/H2 Mixtures on Ni and Ceria Pattern Anodes
A. N. Tabish (Delft University of Technology, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore), H. C. Patel, F. Comelli, and P. V. Aravind (Delft University of Technology)
Kinetics of Internal Methane Reforming on the Anodes of Low Temperature Ceres Power Steel Cell SOFCs
R. T. Leah, M. Lankin, A. Bone, S. Mukerjee, and M. Selby (Ceres Power Ltd.)
Gas Composition Analysis on Ni-YSZ Anode in Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
H. Muroyama, D. Ando, T. Okanishi, T. Matsui (Kyoto University), and K. Eguchi (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)