Chromate-Based Oxide Anodes for Low-Temperature Operating Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Thursday, 27 July 2017: 16:20
Grand Ballroom West (The Diplomat Beach Resort)
M. H. Abdul Jabbar, I. Robinson, K. J. Pan (University of Maryland), B. M. Blackburn (Redox Power Systems), C. Pellegrinelli, Y. L. Huang (University of Maryland), and E. D. Wachsman (University of Maryland Energy Research Center)
Doped-YCrO3 ceramic oxides were investigated as potential anode materials for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (LT-SOFC, 400-650°C). This material has shown orthorhombic symmetry with the space group pmmm. Electrical conductivity >1 S/cm at 650°C was measured under reducing gas conditions. The anode-supported SOFCs were prepared by laminating GDC and doped-YCrO3 tapes. A fired half-cell assembly was further deposited with a dense barrier layer made of electrolyte material. The function of the barrier layer at the interface of GDC electrolyte and anode was to prevent the interdiffusion of elements. Furthermore, the LSM/bismuth-based composite low-temperature cathode was deposited on the barrier layer and Ni-GDC precursor was infiltrated on the anode (to introduce catalytic activity for hydrogen oxidation). Peak power density of 700 mW/cm2 (at 2 A/cm2) was obtained at 650°C in H2/3% H2O.