Effect of Electric Field on I - V Relation at Liquid Cadmium Cathode in LiCl-KCl-UCl3 Molten Salt
Effect of Electric Field on I - V Relation at Liquid Cadmium Cathode in LiCl-KCl-UCl3 Molten Salt
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Grand Foyer, Lobby Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
Need to reduce CO2 emissions calls for the growth of nuclear energy expected to meet the growing energy demand with a carbon-free source. However, the problem of accumulating used nuclear fuel considered as waste to be disposed in permanent repositories should be addressed. Pyroprocessing, based on high-temperature molten salt electrolysis, is one of the key technologies for reducing the amount of used nuclear fuel and destroying toxic waste products, such as the long-life fission products. Since group actinide is recovered using a liquid cadmium cathode (LCC) where the activity coefficients are lowered, pyroprocessing enhances the proliferation resistance significantly. In this study, we investigated the current (I)-potential (V) relations at LCC for two different electrode configurations of A-C-A and A-C, where A and C represent anode and cathode, respectively. A lab-scale electrolytic apparatus was installed in a glove box. A cathode comprising a liquid Cd contained in alumina crucible located on a ring connected with the bottom of anode columns. This structure allows using symmetric and asymmetric positioned anode, A-C-A and A-C, respectively. All the measurements were conducted under high purity Ar(g) enviroment (O2 < 2 ppm, H2O < 2 ppm). Graphite rods were packed with SiC shroud into each anode column. A silver-silver chloride (1 mol % AgCl in LiCl-KCl) electrode incorporated in a thin Pyrex tube was used as a reference electrode. No significant effect of mass transfer on the I-V relations was observed for the salt (LiCl-KCl-4wt% UCl3) stirring rate of 50 ~ 150 rpm. In both of the configurations (A-C-A and A-C), the LCC potential value linearly increased with log scale of current density, indicating it follows the Butler-Volmer model. At low current density, the I-V relation for A-C was consistent with that for A-C-A. However, it started to deviate from the relation above the current density of about 0.1 A/cm2 and the LCC potential at A-C configuration was lower than that of A-C-A. It may be due to the surface deformation of liquid Cd in electric field. Previous studies reported that the destabilization of a flat surface of liquid metal by a normal DC electric field [Melcher, Continuum Electromechanics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1981; Néron de Surgy, et al., App. Surf. Sci. 87/88 (1995) 91]. When the applied electric field exceeded a critical value, the interface of liquid/liquid metal would be unstable and then the liquid metal was fluctuated with a characteristic wavelength [Lin, et al., J. Chem. Phys. 114 (2001) 2377; Lin, et al., Macromolecules 35 (2002) 3971]. The formation of peak patterns on the liquid metal surface makes the enlargement of electroactive area. Thus, it can be explained that the LCC surface area at A-C configuration is increased due to the surface fluctuation formed by electric field at high current density (> 0.1 A/cm2), resulting in the decrease of LCC potential. The specific condition may be caused by asymmetric arrangement of electrode (A-C). The effect of electric field on the surface instability of liquid Cd was also influenced by the anode-to-cathode distance. When the anode-to-cathode distance was shortened to 1 mm, this behavior appeared at lower current density (0.075 A/cm2) (data not shown). This work was supported by the Nuclear Research & Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF), in a grant funded by the Korean Government.