A Study on the Oxygen Redox Reduction in Ionic Liquid-Based Electrolytes for Li/O2 Battery Application

Tuesday, May 13, 2014: 16:20
Floridian Ballroom J, Lobby Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
F. Soavi, S. Monaco, C. Arbizzani, and M. Mastragostino (University of Bologna)
Low volatility, thermal and electrochemical stability and good conductivity of ionic liquids (ILs) make them “key electrolytes” for the development of Li/O2 batteries which are considered the most promising high-energy systems for a market success of electric vehicles of long driving range. Particularly, hydrophobic pyrrolidinium salts of bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide feature a high stability toward superoxide that is formed during the discharge/recharge of Li/O2 batteries. Under the European LABOHR Project, the oxygen redox reaction (ORR) and O2 diffusion coefficient and solubility, which are crucial parameters for Li/O2 battery operation, have been investigated in such ILs and related to the physical-chemistry properties of the electrolytes. It has also been demonstrated that ILs provide a real possibility for the development of rechargeable Li/O2 batteries that can safely operate even above room temperature. The main achievements of this study are here reported and discussed


Work funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme FP7-2010-GC-ELECTROCHEMICAL STORAGE, under contract no. 265971 “Lithium-Air Batteries with split Oxygen Harvesting and Redox processes” (LABOHR). All the partners of the LABOHR Project are acknowledged for the fruitful discussions on Li/O2 batteries with ionic liquids.


[1] www.labohr.eu

[2] S. Monaco, A. M. Arangio, F. Soavi, M. Mastragostino, E. Paillard, S. Passerini, Electrochimica Acta 83 (2012) 94–104.

[3] F. Soavi, S. Monaco, M. Mastragostino, Journal of Power Sources 224 (2013) 115 – 119.

[4] S. Monaco, F. Soavi, M. Mastragostino, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013) 1379−1382.