Analytical Quality Solid-State Composite Reference Electrode and Electrochemical Platform
A new type of all-solid-state reference electrodes based on a polymer/inorganic salt composite (SSC) was designed and characterized. Both a chemical polymerisation method [3] and an injection moulding method [4] were used for fabricating those novel electrodes.
A rigorous testing procedure was used to reveal possible influence of pH, solution composition, as well as the concentrations and mobility of ions. The tests demonstrated the insensitivity of the electrodes to the matrix effects, excellent stability of the potential readings, and significantly reduced leakage of inorganic salt. It was shown that composite reference electrodes were on par or better in the performed tests than high-quality commercial reference electrodes. The SSC reference electrodes described here are of analytical quality allowing for continuous, prolonged, and intensive usage.
1. G. Inzelt, A. Lewenstam, F. Scholz Handbook of reference elctrodes (2013) Springer, Berlin.
2. T. Blaz, J. Migdalski, A. Lewenstam, Analyst 130 (2005) 637-643.
3. Z. Mousavi, K. Granholm, T. Sokalski, A. Lewenstam, Analyst 138 (2013) 5216-5220.
4. K. Granholm, Z. Mousavi, T. Sokalski, Andrzej Lewenstam, J Solid State Electrochem DOI 10.1007/s10008-013-2294-x
The study was supported by the SalWe Research Program for IMO (Tekes -the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation grant 648/10).