Preparation of Carbon Coated MoS2 Flower-like Nanostructure with Self-Assembled Nanosheets As High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Preparation of Carbon Coated MoS2 Flower-like Nanostructure with Self-Assembled Nanosheets As High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Grand Foyer, Lobby Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
Loosely packed MoS2 nanosheets with thin carbon coating were synthesized via a facile, one-pot hydrothermal growth method. In the resulted optimal-designed nanoarchitecture, the ultrathin nanosheets, with a wall-thickness of approximately 5-10 nm, provide large electrode-electrolyte interface, so as to facilitate faster lithium-ions intercalation and diffusion. The flexible and conductive carbon overcoats accommodate and alleviate the volume variation of the composites and thus maintain the structural and electrical integrity. In favor of the synergy and interplay of the carbon effect and intrinsic structural advantages, MoS2@C (1:2) composites with the precursor MoO3: D-glucose molar ratio of 1:2 exhibit high reversible specific capacity of 1419 mA h g-1 at 0.1 A g-1, retain 80 % of the capacity after 50 cycles, and excellent rate capability as high as 672 mA h g-1 at 10 A g-1 with almost 100 % Coulombic efficiency. The good electrochemical performance suggests that these MoS2@C composites with unique flower-like morphology give rise to high specific surface area and increased layer distance leading to the reduced diffusion path of lithium-ions and rapid electrons transport. The rational and optimal design of the MoS2@C composites with an excellent electrochemical performance in the report creates a new avenue to develop a high-performance anode material.