An Effective Electrolyte Additive Achieving Dendrite-Free Lithium during Electrochemical Deposition
Here we introduce a new electrolyte additive A that acts as an effectively SEI formation agent to suppress the Li dendrite growth. This additive can be in-situ electrochemically reduced to form a proactive layer on Cu substrate at a high potential prior to Li deposition. This thin SEI layer can allow Li ion to pass while prevent the electrolyte erosion with the fresh deposited Li metal, thereby a dendrite-free Li film can be obtained.
Figure 1 gives the voltage-time profiles of Li deposition process in 1M LiPF6/PC electrolyte without and with additive A. In the control electrolyte (black line), the voltage curve drops quickly from OCV to about 1.0 V vs. Li/Li+, followed by two short slopes between 1.0 V and 0 V which can be attributed to the reduction of PC solvent and salt anion on the substrate surface to form SEI film. Below 0 V, a long Li plating plateau occurs, corresponding to Li deposition reaction. In the electrolyte with additive A (red line), a high voltage plateau occurred at about 2.0 V, which can be ascribe to electrochemical reduction of the additive A to form a proactive layer on Cu substrate at this potential. This layer is supposed to favor the Li deposition of dendrite-free behavior. Figure 2 compares the morphologies (obtained by optical microscope) of the deposited Li films on Cu substrates using electrolytes without and with additive A. The Li film deposited in the control electrolyte is loose and dendritic (Figure 2a), and the Cu substrate surface is not completely covered by Li clusters. In contrast, the electrolyte with additive A shows significant improvement in the Li film surface quality with the elimination of dendrite formation. The Li deposition is smooth and dense, even reflecting blue metallic luminescence. Detailed electrochemical characterization and study of the working mechanism of this additive A will be discussed in the presentation.
This work was supported by the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, an Energy Innovation Hub funded by the Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science of the U.S. DOE.
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