Study of through Plane Cation Contamination in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
As shown in Figure 2, the electrode closest to the cathode showed the same potential to the cell voltage and all the other electrodes showed zero potential. At the electrode closest to cathode, the potential was dominated by oxygen permeated from cathode, and in the other electrodes, oxygen permeated from cathode was negligibly smaller than hydrogen permeation, and the electrode potential was dominated by hydrogen oxidation reaction. After 32 hours with pure air, there was enough oxygen permeation from the cathode to other layers of membrane to symbolize the membrane degradation.
Posttest analyses showed that in spite of the gold plating, the aluminum flow fields were corroded. Aluminum corrosion byproducts degraded the cell performance from the beginning of the test. When CaSO4 was injected with air, the cell performance degraded rapidly (Figure 2). Aluminum was deposited as Al2O3 or Al(OH)3on the flow field and GDE surfaces causing mass transport losses. No calcium/sulfur was detected in the deposit from EDX analysis. It might happen that the presence of calcium/sulfur in the deposit was below the detection limit of EDX.
HFR was increased due to contamination. In the membrane layer close to the cathode, the HFR increase was more than 50% (Figure 3).
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from NSF (CBET-0748063), DOE-EERE through University of Hawaii-Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (DE-EE0000467).
1. S. Takaichi, H. Uchida and M. Watanabe, Electrochemistry communications, 9, 8 (2007).
2. S. Takaichi, H. Uchida and M. Watanabe, J. Electrochem. Soc., 154, 12 (2007).