Low-Voltage Electroreduction of CO2: A Lesson from Geoelectrochemistry in the Seabed

Tuesday, May 13, 2014: 10:00
Nassau, Ground Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
R. Nakamura (RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science)
To date, most research on heterogeneous CO2 electroreduction has been aimed at decreasing the large overpotential required for hydrocarbon synthesis. Specifically, most scientists have focused on reducing the external voltage to as low as 1.24 V, as this value represents the thermodynamic limit for producing organic compounds via CO2 reduction coupled with water oxidation [CO2 + H2O to (CH2O) + O2, where (CH2O) represents a carbohydrate].

As an alternative approach, it may be possible to exploit the highly active geoelectrochemical reactions mediated by microorganisms living in deep-sea hydrothermal environments. In such environments, chemolithoautotrophs, as opposed to photoautotrophs, primarily contribute to biomass production through the utilization of geochemical energy sources, such as H2S and H2, emitted from hydrothermal vents. Chemolithoautotrophic bacteria are able to utilize these energy-rich compounds for the production of hydrocarbons at rates that are one order of magnitude higher than that of photosynthesis, and several species can synthesize hydrocarbons using Fe2+ ions as a sole electron source for CO2 reduction. It is worth noting that Fe-oxidizing bacteria utilize the proton-motive force (PMF) generated by the reduction of O2 to H2O to elevate the energy of electrons obtained from Fe2+ oxidation by ~ 1 eV. Thus, although the reversible potential of the Fe3+/Fe2+ redox couple (0.77 V vs SHE) is more positive than that of NAD(P)/NAD(P)H (−0.32 V at pH 7), Fe-oxidizing bacteria are capable of generating NAD(P)H as a source of reductive energy for CO2fixation.

By harnessing the ability of Fe-oxidizing bacteria to elevate intracellular electrons into a higher energetic state, it may be possible to construct an integrated bioelectrochemical process in which the bacteria function not only as effective CO2 reduction catalysts, but also as voltage-multiplier circuits. In this system, CO2 reduction would occur at an external voltage that is one order of magnitude lower than that of conventional heterogeneous electrocatalytic systems. The thermodynamic limit of the external voltage required for the simultaneous reduction and oxidation of CO2 and H2O, respectively, is determined by the difference between the reversible potentials of E(O2/H2O) and E(Fe3+/Fe2+). Thus, the thermodynamic limit of the external voltage is estimated to be 0.035 V at pH 7 if 0.77 V is adopted as the redox potential of the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple. Based on these estimated values, the integrated bioelectrochemical process mediated by Fe-oxidizing bacteria can potentially proceed at an external voltage lower than 1.24 V, and thus provide an approach for utilizing the low-voltage electricity generated from hydro, solar, wind, and geothermal sources for the electrochemical conversion of CO2 to chemical fuels.