Non-Paste Based Composite Cathode Electrode for Lithium Air Battery
Non-Paste Based Composite Cathode Electrode for Lithium Air Battery
Wednesday, May 14, 2014: 11:10
Bonnet Creek Ballroom III, Lobby Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
Lithium air batteries have remarkable high theoretical energy density of about 12 kW·h/kg (43.2 MJ/kg) excluding the oxygen mass. However there are many short comings from its efficiency including limitations due to the use of binders. Non-paste based cathode electrode fabricated without the use of binders is explored for application in a Li-air cell. Electroless-electrolytic nickel-molybdenum oxide deposited on a porous carbon substrate was evaluated as the oxygen reducing cathode elctrocatalyst in a Li-air cell. Results will be presented on the cycling data obtained using an electrolyte containing 1 M LiPF6 and DMSO. Cell performance shows good stability for the reduced oxygen species (superoxide) O2 – ion.