The Role of Carbon Functionalities in the Incorporation of Pseudocapacitive Inorganic Phases for Improved Capacitance

Monday, 6 October 2014: 16:20
Sunrise, 2nd Floor, Star Ballroom 1 (Moon Palace Resort)
A. K. Cuentas-Gallegos (Instituto de Energ�as Renovables-UNAM), M. Adan (Instituto de Energ�as Renovables-UNAM, Instituto Tecnol�gico de Zacatepec), T. Brousse (Institut des Mat�riaux Jean Rouxel, CNRS), D. C. Martinez-Casillas (Instituto de Energ�as Renovables-UNAM), and H. A. Mosqueda (Universidad Aut�noma de Nuevo Leon)
Supercapacitors based on carbon materials have shown high power densities compared to rechargeable batteries, but lower energy densities. The introduction of pseudocapacitive materials, such as conducting polymers and/or different inorganic phases, in different carbons have open the possibility to improve the intrinsic capacitance of the electrode materials,  and by consequence the energy densities of the assembled devices. One of the main drawbacks of most inorganic materials is their low electric conductivity, which is somehow compensated when they are incorporated into a carbon matrix. Another strategy has been the introduction of certain functional groups in carbon to promote an intimate interaction with the inorganic compounds, resulting in improved electrochemical properties of the electrode materials for supercapacitors. In these sense, different carbon materials have been modified with different functional groups (-OH, -COOH, -CHO, NH2) to evaluate their effect with different inorganic phases, such as polyoxometalate (POM) or vanadyl phosphate (VOPO4). The resulting nanocomposite materials (C-POM, C-VOPO4) have been characterized by XRD, FTIR, N2 and CO2 isotherms, and most importantly in acidic or neutral aqueous electrolyte where their improved capacitance values have been calculated.