Electrochemical Study of the Corrosion of Steel Embedded in Concrete Added with Composite Substituting Cement

Tuesday, 7 October 2014: 16:00
Expo Center, 2nd Floor, Alfa Room (Moon Palace Resort)
L. Vásquez-Zacarias, M. Poisot, M. Velazquez-Manzanares (Universidad del Papaloapan), and T. Pérez-López (Centro de Investigación en Corrosión, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche.)
In this work, an electrochemical study of the corrosion of steel embedded in concrete was conducted. This five test samples with cement, sand, water are produced; adding composite of hydrophobic cellulose and sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) previously treated, both substances are agroindustrial wastes from: Bioppapel and the sugar mill in this city of San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec. After 24 hours of drying, the samples are subjected to curing in saturated solution of calcium hydroxide and electrochemical measurements were started and continued for a period of 28 days. Then a solution of sodium chloride 3% was added according to electrochemical measurements. This study was conducted in order to observe the potential for inhibiting the steel corrosion by adding this new composite to traditional concrete . The electrochemical techniques applyed are: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and linear polarization resistance using a potentiostat/galvanostat ACM Instruments serial 914 with a calomel reference electrode. The results of these tests will be explained in the poster presentation.