High Temperature Systems

Wednesday, 8 October 2014: 08:00-09:40
Sunrise, 2nd Floor, Star Ballroom 2 (Moon Palace Resort)
Vincent Sprenkle and Sanjeev Mukerjee
Development of a Planar Sodium Sulfur Cell
K. Jung (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST)), Y. C. Park, S. H. Park, C. Lee, M. Cho, G. Kim, Y. Lee, J. H. Lee, S. W. Cheon, S. C. Hwang, and C. Yang (Research institute of industrial science and technology (RIST))
Development of Intermediate Temperature Sodium-Metal Halide Battery
J. Y. Kim, G. Li, X. Lu, K. Meinhardt, and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Development of Molten Sodium Battery Using NaSICON Solid Electrolyte Membrane for Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage System
W. Koh, J. Lee, J. Kim, S. Lee, D. Park, H. Lee (SK Innovation), M. Robins (Ceramatec, Inc.), A. Eccleston, S. Bhavaraju (Ceramatec,Inc.), and J. Kim (SK Innovation)
Static and Dynamic Corrosion Characteristics of Plasma-Sprayed Fe-70Cr Coatings by Molten Sulfur and Sodium Polysulfides in Sodium Sulfur Cells
K. Jung (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST)), S. W. Cheon, Y. C. Park, S. H. Park, C. Lee, H. J. Kim, and N. Cho (Research institute of industrial science and technology (RIST))
Finite-Element Analysis Study to Predict the Thermo-Mechanical Stability of Planar-Type NaS Batteries
C. S. Kim (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Y. C. Park (Research institute of industrial science and technology (RIST)), and K. Jung (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST))