Thermal Properties of Chemically Modified Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed in Polymer Matrices

Monday, 25 May 2015: 11:00
Lake Huron (Hilton Chicago)
A. W. Januszko (Militay Institute of Engineer Technology, Military University of Technology, Warsaw), J. Peszke (Silesian University,), A. Pawlicka (University of São Paulo, São Carlos Institute of Chemistry), and T. Czujko (Military University of Technology, Warsaw)
Keywords: carbon nanotubes, polymer, functional composite, thermal properties of functional composite.

A functional composite (FC) was obtained by mixing polymers from the group of polyacrylic acid ester derivatives and polymethylacrylate, copolymers of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyurethanes, ethoxylate derivatives of silicones and chemically functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (FMCN). The result was a subject of temperature dependence measurement on electrical resistivity, as well as mechanical strength and flexibility. FC has presented durable, flexible properties and demonstrated a resistance in the range of 20 - 40 Ω. A silicone composite has presented a best chemical and physical properties in broad range of temperature (up to 100°C). Thermal images were studied using infrared (IR) camera and characterized by histograms. The morphology of the functional composites have been observed by SEM and discussed.

The work also presents number of methods of nanostructures preparation, which are the most commonly used.