Aerogels: Graphene and Beyond

Wednesday, 27 May 2015: 17:40
Lake Ontario (Hilton Chicago)
M. A. Worsley (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Aerogels are porous solids used in a wide range of applications including sorbents, filtration, insulation, hydrogen storage, catalysis, batteries, and supercapacitors. Their unique properties are related to their high internal surface, low-density, and small pore/particle size.  Two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials, such as boron nitride and graphene, also exhibit a range of distinct optical, electronic, and mechanical properties, but are typically limited to thin films and coatings.  Assembling 2D nanomaterials into monolithic aerogels expands their application space to include technologies and manufacturing processes that require a macroscopic 3D form factor.  Furthermore, placing the novel intrinsic properties of 2D materials in a low-density, high surface area architecture has the potential to unlock exciting new properties and features only displayed in the aerogel system.  Here, we present synthesis schemes for aerogels made from several different 2D materials, (e.g. boron nitride, graphene, dichalcogenides, etc.). Hybrid aerogel synthesis, combining two or more layered materials, will also be presented.  Characterization of aerogels will include textural, transport, mechanical properties, and more.  Results will be discussed in light of theory and existing literature.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.