(Invited) Applications of Electrochemistry for Novel Wide Bandgap GaN Devices
Recently our group discovered a simple and versatile electrochemical (EC) etching of GaN at room temperature with no need of any ultraviolet irradiation.[i] The EC etching relies on the generation of holes at the GaN/electrolyte surface for oxidation and chemical dissolution. Depending on the layer conductivity and applied bias, the EC etching may cause no effect, nanoscale porosification, or complete etching of GaN.[ii] The EC etching has been applied to different areas of GaN material and device technologies, including layer separation, LED light extraction, the formation of distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) for photonic applications, and the preparation of flexible GaN membrane devices. Highlights from each application will be reviewed in this talk.
The work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation (NSF), and Seoul Optodevices.