Intrinsic Degradation Variability in Commercial Lithium-Ion Batteries
Battery pack’s early-life performance and reliability are usually attained by sorting and matching cells used in a battery pack. This mitigation technique has its limits though as it cannot account for the long-term degradation spread of the individual cells composing the battery pack. This degradation spread within a battery pack can have various origins. One of them can be the temperature gradient resulting from the spatial distribution of cells within the pack and the inhomogeneous cooling architecture. Another one can be the intrinsic variations between individual cells toward degradation sensitivity. These intrinsic variations have been documented in a few studies [1-2] but authors did not offer an elucidation of the underlying mechanism. In this presentation, we explore the nature and quantify the extent of the degradation discrepancies within a batch of commercial lithium-ion cells.
Results will be presented that distinguish performance mismatch down-the-road between kinetic origins (internal resistance build-up, degraded rate capability) and thermodynamic origins (loss of lithium inventory, loss of active material). In a limited previous study [3], we established a qualitative correlation between thermodynamic changes and kinetic properties of cycle-aged cells. In this more comprehensive study, we cycle-aged a larger number of single cells for more than 1,000 cycles to derive statistical correlations between these dual aspects of battery degradation.
Figure 1: Evolution of 15 cells capacities.
Returned capacity spread became very significant with cycling
[1] Baumhöfer, T.; Brühl, M.; Rothgang, S. & Sauer, D. U., Journal of Power Sources , 2014, 247, p. 332
[2] Eom, S.W.; Kim, M.K.; Kim, I.J.; Moon, S.I.; Sun, Y.K. & Kim, H.S., Journal of Power Sources , 2007, 174, p. 954
[3] Devie, A.; Dubarry, M. & Liaw, B.Y., 224th ECS Meeting, Orlando, 2014