Semi-Solid Flow Batteries: New Electrochemical Challenges
Since SSFBs deploy Li-ion or Na-ion host materials, SSFBs and classic solid electrode batteries share the same chemistry. However, the replacement of solid electrodes of classic ion batteries by the fluid electrodes employed in semi-solid flow batteries brings new electrochemical challenges. After revising the fundaments of the operating principles of SSFBs, two particular new challenges are presented and discussed: i) the critical influence of the electrical conductivity of the active materials,2 and ii) the new role of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI).3,4
In the first case, the weaker electrical conductivity of fluid electrodes allows ionic and electric phenomena to be easily differentiated. Electron-transfer phenomena in the charge/discharge mechanism of battery materials can be solely studied at slow C-rates, at which ionic factors do not interfere. In particular, the case of titania materials (Li4Ti5O12 and TiO2), which changes from electrically insulating to conducting upon charge/discharge, is discussed and compared to LiCoO2, which is a good conductor at all states of charge. The proposed electron bottleneck mechanism can now explain behaviors which were not completely understood up to now, such as the improved performance of oxygen deficient Li4Ti5O12-x and TiO2-xas active material in classic LIBs
In the second case, the SEI is shown to change from an ionic to electron barrier, for classic solid electrode batteries and SSFBs, respectively. This fact brings new limitations since SEI ceases to be a beneficial film, which enables the use of active materials operating at very cathodic potentials, e.g. graphite. In SSFBs, the new implications of the SEI prevent the use of those materials (graphite, Si, Sn, etc), which suggests redirecting the search for novel negative electrode materials in this technology.
1. M. Duduta, B. Y. Ho, V. C. Wood, P. Limthongkul, V. E. Brunini, W. C. Carter and Y.-M. Chiang, Adv. Energy Mater., 2011, 1, 511
2. E. Ventosa, M. Skoumal, F. J. Vazquez, C. Flox, J. Arbiol, J. R. Morante, ChemSusChem, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201500349
3. E. Ventosa, D. Buchholz, S. Klink, C. Flox, L. Gomes-Chagas, C. Vaalma, W. Schuhmann, S. Passerini and J. R. Morante, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 7298
4. E. Ventosa, G. Zampardi, C. Flox, F. La Mantia, W. Schuhmann, J. R. Morante, in preparation.
Acknowledgement The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under grant agreement n8 608621