GaN Based Vertical Transistors on GaN Substrates

Tuesday, 31 May 2016: 08:30
Aqua 310 B (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)


GaN based power transistors have attracted intensive interest for highly efficient, high-frequency and high-temperature switching applications. Compared with GaN lateral devices, GaN based vertical devices can provide higher current density and higher breakdown voltage. In combination with low defect density offered by GaN substrates, GaN vertical transistors will fully exploit the great potential of GaN technology. We will present the recent developments in GaN vertical trench-gate MOSFETs and current aperture vertical electron transistors, with emphasis on our efforts to tackle some key challenges in MOS interface and leakage current. The performance of GaN vertical devices on GaN substrates will also be compared with that of GaN vertical devices on Si substrates.