Convenient and Efficient Surface Reforming of LaTiO2 N Photocatalyst:  Poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid) Treatment and Microwave Assisted CoOx Deposition

Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Exhibit Hall H (San Diego Convention Center)
S. Akiyama (Mitsubishi Chemical Co.), T. Yamada (ARPChem), and K. Domen (The University of Tokyo)
The overall water splitting by solar-energy-driven photocatalysts is a crucial issue as a solution for today’s mass scale energy and environmental problems. The activity of those photocatalysts is to be improved by  their surfaces where the water splitting reactions take place. This time we report two useful tips to enhance the efficiency of LaTiO2N, an important candidate oxynitride for photocatalysis.  One is to clean off the debris and defects on the particle surface. Domen et al.1 reported a brief, effective aqua regia treatment was in removing surface defects of LaTiO2N. However, aqua regia accompanies drawbacks of its severe reactivity. We need quick, elaborate washing to stop etching of the oxynitride in a contolled manner, and we need to isolate the aqua regia’s corrosive fume from the environment. More convenient and effective altanative surface treatment reagents are wanted in this sense. Two is to modify the surface of LaTiO2N with CoOx nanoparticles as so-called co-catalysts.  The co-catalysts are supposed to assist the separation of photogenerated charges as well as promotion of surface reactions to evolve O2. CoOx nanoparticles, composed of earth abundant elements, are conventionally loaded by the liquid impregnation/calcination method.2  However the process of calcination on LaTiO2N brings about a complexity of heating in NH3 flow to avoid surface oxidation, simultaneously introducing chances of CoOx particle sintering and metallization. Our solutions for there problems are by rinsing in aqueous poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid) (PSS) solution followed by loading CoOx with a microwave assisted deposition. Static treatment of the LaTiO2N powder in PSS solution for 17 hours and microwave assisted one-pot loading of CoOx with Co(NH3)3Cl3 in Eyleneglycol solution, prior to fabrication into an electrode, increased the photoanodic current up to 8.9 mA cm-2 at 1.23 VRHE, which is 3 times larger than that without these reforming. We also confirmed that LaTiO2N was treated with PSS solution conveniently and care-freely in comparison with etching in aqua regia, and cocatalyst was coated throughout the surface of LaTiO2N particle by using microwave quick heating.
  1. M. Matsukawa,  R. Ishikawa, T. Hisatomi, Y. Moriya, N. Shibata, J. Kubota, Y. Ikuhara and K. Domen, Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 1038−1041.

  2. F. Zhang, A. Yamakata, K. Maeda, Y. Moriya, T. Takata, J. Kubota, K. Teshima,  S. Oishi and K. Domen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 8348−8351.