Upon mixing a PhCN solution of Li+@C60 with that of P(H2P)8, the intensity of the Soret band decreased with increasing concentration of Li+@C60. A Soret band was slightly red-shifted from 425 to 427 nm by the addition of Li+@C60 to the solution. From the net absorption change at 425 nm in which the absorption due to Li+@C60 was subtracted, a linear Benesi-Hildebrand plot was obtained, indiating that each porphyrin unit of P(H2P)8 forms a 1:1 supramolecular charge-transfer complex with Li+@C60 independently with approximately the same binding constant of the unit of M–1. The binding constant at 298 K was determined to be 2.1 ´ 104 M–1, which is significantly larger than that of C60 (5.3 ´ 103 M–1). The stronger binding of Li+@C60 as compared with C60 may result from the stronger elecron acceptor ability of Li+@C60, which
facilitates the charge-transfer interaction as reported for the stronger charge-transfer binding of Li+@C60 with corranulerene. Similary the binding constant of the supramolecular complex of P(H2P)4 was determined from the spectral titration to be 6.2 × 103 M–1. In the case of P(H2P)2 and P(H2P)1, howerver, the spectral change was too small to be able to determine the binding constants accurately. Thus, multiporphyris may facilitate charge-transfer interactions through encapsulation of Li+@C60 by multiple porphyrins.4
Nanosecond laser-induced transient absorption spectra of P(H2P)8 with Li+@C60 (40 mM) at the excitation wavelength of 532 nm showed the transient absorption band at 730 nm due to the triplet excited state of Li+@C60 (3Li+@C60*) observed together with the absorption band at 1035 nm due to Li+@C60•–. The decay of the absorption at 730 nm coincides with the appearance of Li+@C60•–. Thus, electron transfer from P(H2P)8 to 3Li+@C60* occurs to produce the triplet charge-separate (CS) state of P(H2P)8•+ and Li+@C60•–. The transient absorption due to P(H2P)8•+ is overlapped with that of 3Li+@C60* in the 600-700nm region. The photoexcitation of 532 nm resulted in the excitation of Li+@C60 leading to the formation of 3Li+@C60* via intersystem crossing. The decay of the absorbance at 1035 nm due to Li+@C60•– obeyed first-order kinetics with the lifetime of 210 ms. Thus, back electron transfer from Li+@C60•– to P(H2P)8•+ occurs in the supramolecular complex. The lifetime is long because of the spin-forbidden back electron transfer in the triplet CS state.4
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