Chemomechanical Coupling III

Thursday, 2 June 2016: 08:20-11:40
Aqua 305 (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Sean R. Bishop and R. Edwin García
(Invited) Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical Response of Solid Oxide Cells during Reduction and Cooling
C. Chatzichristodoulou (Technical University of Denmark), B. Charlas (Amminex Emissions Technology), K. Kwok, P. S. Jørgensen, P. Norby (Technical University of Denmark), P. V. Hendriksen (DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark), and H. L. Frandsen (Technical University of Denmark)
Exploring the Critical Role of Binders for Silicon Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
J. Xu, Y. Wang, and Y. T. Cheng (University of Kentucky)
Identifying the Link Between Li-Ion Particle Fracture and Impedance Growth
F. P. McGrogan IV (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), S. R. Bishop (Dept. Mater. Sci. & Eng., MIT), Y. M. Chiang, and K. J. Van Vliet (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Impact of Evolving Electrode Morphology on Fuel Cell Performance: From the Nano to Mesoscale
D. A. Cullen, B. Sneed, and K. L. More (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)