A Wearable Electrochemical Sensor to Monitor Progression of Wound Healing

Monday, 2 October 2017: 15:20
Chesapeake J (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
S. RoyChoudhury, Y. Umasankar, and S. Bhansali (Florida International University)
An enzymatic electrochemical biosensor comprising the enzyme, urate oxidase (uricase, UOx), has been investigated for detection of real-time changes in uric acid. Uric acid is a key biomarker for monitoring severity of wounds, a complex process initiated to restore tissue damage.1 Although, tracking wound healing continues to be a challenge in healthcare; it is equally demanding. In existing technology, the time taken from the appearance of a wound to the commencement of an effective wound management plan can be lengthy, as laboratory tests can take days to complete. With its presence in different bio-fluids2, this work explores the continuous monitoring of systemic uric acid in human sweat. Electrochemical techniques like cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry have been investigated for evaluating the success of the sensor on a wearable platform as a surrogate for wound healing. On this biosensor, hydrolysis of UA was monitored to detect the oxidation of its byproduct, H2O2. Results show that the use of a redox electron shuttle such as ferrocene carboxylic acid (FCA) or metal nano-particles enable electron transfer between the active site of the enzyme and the electrode. This work explores the possibilities of embedding the biosensor in wound dressing-gauze materials as substrates and investigates the effect and role of metal nano-particles on detection. It can measure very low volumes (0.5uL) of sweat showing that such low volumes are sufficient for systemic detection of uric acid at the wound vicinity. This non-invasive approach holds promise for tracking wound chronicity and can be beneficial towards shorter hospitalization time, costs and reduced outcomes of trauma, surgery, and amputations.3 The developed biosensor could facilitate treatment with an improved, comprehensive understanding of the recovery processes associated with healing.


1. R. A. Nery, B. S. Kahlow, T. L. Skare, F. I. Tabushi, and A. do Amaral e Castro, Arq. Bras. Cir. Dig., 28, 290–2 (2015).

2. X. Dong, Intl. J. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research, 8, 925-29 (2017).

3. Cobb, M. J.; Chen, Y.; Underwood, R. A.; Usui, M. L.; Olerud, J.; Li, X., J. Biomed. Opt., 11, 064002 (10.1117/1.2388152) (2006).