Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks As Chemoselective Catalysts

Sunday, 13 May 2018: 08:40
Room 204 (Washington State Convention Center)
C. Y. Su and L. Zhang (Sun Yat-Sen University)
Owing to the designable structure, large surface area, high porosity et al, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as heterogeneous catalysts have aroused a lot of interests. By reasonable design of the components (e.g. metal node, ligand and guest), cavity, topology, etc., MOFs can be widely applied in a variety of reactions. With the aid of diffusion-controlment, host-guest recognition, and confinement effect of the coordination space of MOFs, they can display chemoselectivity, including shape-, size-, regio- and enantio-selectivitiy, and even inverted chemeoselectivity compared to conventional molecular catalysts. Considering that various elements such as transition metals and main group elements can be implanted into the central ring of porphyrin, porphyrinic metal-organic frameworks (PMOFs) have emerged as powerful MOF-based heterogeneous catalysts and applied in a variety of reactions, including photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, CO2 conversion, carbene insertion, etc. Our group has recently worked on the design and synthesis PMOFs based on noble metals (e.g. Ru, Rh, Ir, Pd, and Pt). Catalytic results show that our PMOFs can induce selective X-H (X = Si, N) insertion reaction.