Wednesday, 16 May 2018: 16:00
Room 608 (Washington State Convention Center)
S. Jiang (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Tennessee, Knoxville), B. Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), A. Tornheim (Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division), L. Zhang (Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR)), B. Zhao (Univeristy of Tennessee, Knoxville), and Z. Zhang (Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division)
Silicon (Si), with its extremely high theoretical specific capacity (up to 4200 mAhg
−1), natural abundance and low toxicity, is considered as one of the most promising anode material candidates for next generation high energy density lithium-ion batteries. However, large volume expansion (~300 %) upon lithiation/delithiation makes it difficult for Si-based anode to maintain its capacity over extended cycles. Several possible mechanisms have been proposed to explain the rapid capacity fade in Si-based anode such as pulverization of the active materials, loss of electrical pathways caused by rearrangement of electrode structure, instability of the electrode/electrolyte interface or some combinations of these. While application of nano-structured Si (nanoparticles, nanowires) as anode largely resolved the pulverization issue, the use of nano-silicon inevitably increases the reactive surface between active materials and the electrolyte. Additionally, the continuous growth of solid-electrolyte-interphase (SEI) on the particle surface remains a significant cause for performance deterioration. Therefore, an increasing number of research has focused on the correlation between surface functionality of Si NPs and their electrochemical performance. Previous studies in this area mainly focused on the study of the inherent SiO
x layers on Si NPs or the effect of electrolyte additives on the surface properties of Si NPs.
We take a different strategy to address the Si anode issue. We propose to chemically modify the surface of Si NPs and study how the chemical modification would affect the electrochemical performance of the Si-based anode. Commercially available Si NPs usually bear a native layer of silicon oxide on the surface of the particle. The first step in the surface modification of Si NPs is to enrich the surface silanol (Si-OH) groups as the new working platform. The silanol enriched surfaces will be converted to a variety of functional groups on the Si NPs. (Scheme 1). In this paper, we will present some preliminary results on the surface-modified Si NPs with methacrylate group and amine group and discuss the effects of the functional groups on the electrochemical performance of the Si anode.
Scheme 1. Chemical surface modification of Si NPs via silane chemistry.