DFT Analysis of N2 Electroreduction Kinetics at the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface

Monday, 14 May 2018: 12:00
Room 614 (Washington State Convention Center)
M. J. Janik (Pennsylvania State University), G. Rostamikia (University of North Carolina - Wilmington), Y. Li (The Pennsylvania State University), and S. Maheshwari (Pennsylvania State University)
Active and selective nitrogen electroreduction is challenged by the need to activate the inert N-N triple bond and the competition with hydrogen evolution. Density functional theory has been used to argue that metal surfaces will inherently be non-selective and offer large overpotentials, due to scaling relationships that correlate all intermediate binding energies with a metal’s N adsorption energy [1-2]. In this talk, we will apply DFT to investigate the elementary kinetics of N2 reduction on metal and metal-oxide surfaces. We will consider elementary kinetics across late transition metal surfaces to examine how the inclusion of kinetic consideration alters the trade-offs between the ability to activate N2 and to reduce eventual NHx species to ammonia. We then consider how electrolyte composition, including proton-transfer co-catalysts, alter the kinetics of reduction of surface bound intermediates on metal surfaces. We apply ab initio thermodynamics to determine the stability of oxide surfaces under N2 reductions, then examine the elementary steps on the (partial reduced) oxide surfaces. We will present possible mechanistic avenues to using metal oxides and electrolyte/surface additives to alter the activity and selectivity of N2 reduction electrocatalysts.

[1] Skulason et al. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14, 1235.

[2] Montoya et al. ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 2180-2186.