Wednesday, 16 May 2018: 15:40
Room 603 (Washington State Convention Center)
Over the last decade UNM has been involved in the design of Platinum Group Metal-free (PGM-free) anode catalysts for the emerging field of Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells (AMFC). Initial effort was directed towards catalysts for selective hydrazine oxidation.1-3 These series materials were based on allowing Ni with oxophillic metal (Zn, La, etc.) to enhance hydrazine dehydrogenation step in contrast to N-N bond splitting as a base for much desired catalyst selectivity.4, 5 These Ni-based electrocatalysts were further designed to include Ni alloys with refractive metals6 (Mo, W, Cr) and demonstrated exceptional dehydrogenation selectivity, thus creating the base for the development hydrogen oxidation catalysts in alkaline media. The nickel-based electrocatalysts were synthesized as nanoparticles supported on various carbon blacks and modified carbon blacks with loadings of up to 50 % wt. (see Figure A & B). Synthesized martials were comprehensively characterized by physical-chemical methods: XRD, BET, SEM, TEM and XPS. Electrochemical activity of the catalysts was studied with Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) technique and in a single membrane electrode assembly (MEA) AMFC. MEA design was optimized with respect to critical fabrication parameters such as: catalyst layer thickness (loading), catalyst-to-ionomer ratio, and catalyst deposition as Catalyst Coated Membrane (CCM) vs. gas-diffusion electrode (GDE). It was found that NiMo/C electrocatalyst has a mass activity similar to palladium supported on carbon.7 The MEA performance obtained in H2/O2 single MEA fuel cell tests using Tokuyama membrane and ionomer reached a peak power density higher than 120 at relative humidity (RH) of 70 %. When Ni0.9Cu0.1 supported on Ketjen Black catalysts was used (see Figure C), a record high peak power density was demonstrated: up to 350 These new nickel-transition metal alloy catalysts are being studied in detail by spectroscopy and modeled by DFT to establish relevant structure-to-property correlation and demonstrate their utility in H2/O2 AEMFC.

Acknowledgement: DOE-EERE FCTO, Incubator Program DE-EE0006962 “Development of PGM-free Catalysts for Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Media” (Alexey Serov, PI).
- U. Martinez, et al., Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 14 (2012) 5512-5517
- T. Sakamoto, et al., Journal of Power Sources, 234 (2013) 252-259
- A. Serov et al., Angewandte Chemie, Int. Ed., 126 (2014) 10419-10715
- T. Sakamoto, et al., Journal of Power Sources, 247 (2014) 605-611
- T. Sakamoto, et al., Electrochimica Acta, 163 (2015) 116-122
- T. Asset et al., Electrochimica Acta, 215 (2016) 420-426
- S. Kabir et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2017) DOI:10.1039/C7TA08718G