We have developed a unique expertise in the synthesis of nanoporous metal catalysts including nanoporous Cu (npCu) made from CuMn and CuZn alloys, Cu nanocube surface functionalizations and Cu-oxide/Cu nanowire forests (Fig. 1). Preliminary CO2RR tests of these materials have confirmed that oxidized npCu electrodes have a significantly increased transient reactivity towards the electrochemical reduction of CO2. We will discuss results using a novel electrochemical cell geometry that is designed to take full advantage of the high surface area of the catalyst.
Fig. 1: (a) NpCu prepared by dealloying CuZn alloys; (b) Cu nanocube surface functionalization of npCu; (c) Cu-oxide nanowires grown on Cu foam formed by annealing in air (1h @ 500C).
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344