Understanding the Role of Li Inventory on Capacity Fade in Silicon Containing Anodes

Wednesday, 16 May 2018: 13:40
Room 608 (Washington State Convention Center)
W. M. Dose, V. A. Maroni, M. J. Piernas-Muñoz, Y. Cui, I. Bloom, and C. Johnson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Silicon containing anodes are an attractive alternative to graphite since the inclusion of intrinsically high capacity Si dramatically increases the energy density in a full Li-ion battery. However, problems persist with Si related to SEI formation/exfoliation, pore filling, and particle agglomeration due to >300% volume changes. This leads to severely limited Li diffusion kinetics and hence capacity fade. In this work we assess the impact of Li inventory on the capacity fade of Si containing electrodes by pairing them with a LiFePO4 reference/counter electrode. Using a capacity limited cycling protocol we assess the role of Li inventory in prolonging the lifetime of Si. We also explore the synergistic effects that arise from blending graphite with Si in composite electrodes. Overall, we relate the observed electrochemical behavior to the evolution of the local structure, electrode morphology and mechanical properties.